Item number: 454797

Description: Christmas spoons 1910, 1936, 1991 and year spoon 1995
Christmas spoons A. Michelsen, year spoon Georg Jensen
Christmas spoon 1910 and 1936 830 S, christmas spoon 1995 and year spoon 925 S

Christmas spoon 1910 with small inscription DKK 1900, Christmas spoon 1936 DKK 950, Christmas spoon 1995 with inscription DKK 850, year spoon DKK 750
Julestjernen N.C. Dyrlund, julelys Arno Malinowski, Nordlys lLin Utzon, solbær Annelise Bjørner

This item can be purchased at:
OPUS 57 - Antik og klassisk design
Ordrupvej 57
2920 Charlottenlund
39 63 41 42